Friday, 21 June 2013

Universal Access/Service for the Disabled


  1. To address the issue of accessible ICTs cross departmental collaboration and involvement of the disabled community themselves is very important

  2. Archana has identified a very important aspect of UAS that is oftemn either forgotten or given low priority, and that is providing usable and affordable services to people with disabilities.

    People with disabilities constitute one of the most under-utilised resources in most economies. Involving these people more deeply into society and the economy is a challenge for all countries, but is one that can be achieved more readily and effectively with appropriate ICT policy frameworks and industry leadership.

    Accessible public payphone services is no longer enough. Ironically in many countries the mass revolution around mobile communications has undermined the public commitment to payphones in practice. However this is a case of one door closing and new doors opening.

    Contibutory UAS/USO schemes may not be the best means of stimulating research and investment into new services and applications for the disabled. Government direct funding might be more appropriate in most cases as part of a borader commitment to proivide accessible and affordable services to all.

    I commend Archana on her blog and on the important UAS/USO topics and issues that she has raised.

    Jim Holmes
