A Study titled "Unrepentant Policy failure-Universal Service Subsidies in Voice and Broadband" by Hazlett and Wallsten makes a scathing attack on U.S.A's US programme. In particular, it criticizes the High Cost Fund and the E Rate programme. It suggests shortcomings in FCC's reform efforts. For example resorting to bidding only when the incumbent refuses to "offer services at subsidies based on cost models." The USF programme has been criticized for introducing market distortions. One of the sources of this distortion being a tax on long distance services and wireless voice services to fund the programme. Another being the distortion to competition by subsiding one technology (landline) vis-a-vis competitors (satellite and cable).
Reproduced below is an extract of the Abstract:
In the first half of 2013, the Universal Service Fund levied a nearly 16 percent tax on users of fixed, mobile, and VoIP communications, spending nearly $9 billion to extend networks. Yet, USF expenditures – about $110 billion (in 2013 dollars) since 1998, of which $ 64 billion went for telephone carrier subsidies -- extending voice services to, at most, one-half of one percent of U.S. households. This generous estimate of about 600,000 residences implies a cost -per-home of $106,000 , just counting the federal carrier subsidies. Entrenched interests make the program exceedingly difficult to change. These interests include hundreds of rural telephone companies, inefficiently small and opportunistically expensive because funds are paid out according to cost -plus criteria . Some carriers receive more than $10,000 per line per year to support voice service. Yet, FCC data show that mobile voice service is available to 99.9 percent of households and wireless broadband service to over 99.5% of the U.S. population, including 97.8 percent of rural residences. In addition, satellite systems supply voice and data services to households virtually everywhere people live in the United States, using networks built without subsidies. Even with subsidized lines, subscribers typically pay $400 a year or more just for voice service . While some USF dollars help low -income subscribers pay their bills, 80% of poor households receive no subsidies and yet pay the USF tax. Studies, including several by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), have repeatedly revealed USF waste, fraud and abuse. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a 751-page Order in late 2011 purporting to deal with part of the situation, but rather than fixing fundamental problems the FCC Order extend s subsidies from voice to broadband and mandat es increases in payments to carriers. Even when attempting to rein in costs, the Order applies Band-Aids where tourniquets are needed. Emblematic of the new rules is a measure to limit subsidies to rural carriers to $3,000 per line per year. This laughably spacious ceiling – in a day when satellite voice -and-broadband service is offered to virtually every U.S. household for $600 a year -- will fail to remedy the endemic waste in the USF. Instead, it targets the “headline risk” policy makers now face when grotesquely profligate industry payments are made public. Most critically , the FCC provides a new rationale for subsidies – substituting “broadband” for “voice” – breathing re new ed political life into a failed government initiative that taxes urban phone users, most heavily poor households who use wireless phones and make long -distance (including international) calls, in order to subsidize phone companies and property owners in rural markets. Indeed, the reform’s first effects were to increase the High Cost Fund by about $400 million. Upon examination, the fig leaf of “public interest” for this transfer wilts. Any plausible cost -benefit test reveals that economic welfare would increase were the entire $9 billion per year USF program eliminated.
[i}n a statement provided to Telecompetitor, the FCC suggested that Hazlett’s and Wallsten’s numbers are outdated. An FCC spokesman noted that in 2011 — a year after the period the authors studied — the commission took “unprecedented steps to end waste, fraud and abuse,” including capping subsidies at a maximum of $250 per line per month and limiting corporate overhead expenses.
My previous post at http://ictsforall.blogspot.in/search/label/Connect%20America%20Fund and comments thereof may also be seen.