Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Better Late than Never-US Competition Law Agencies Join the Fray

After seeming to have been sitting it out while the EU and UK agencies have traversed miles regarding competition and privacy concerns surrounding the big digital platforms and regulation of these platforms, the FTC and DoJ are finally (reportedly) joining the fray to initiate probes in relation to possible anti-competitive conduct by the big tech companies.  Some of the news reports can be seen here and here.

Ignoring competition concerns is never in the interest of a nation in the long run even if the firms bring growth and jobs to the domestic economy in the short run. This is therefore a positive development and would hopefully spur more efforts on the part of digital platforms to self regulate too.

One of the areas of investigation will be Google's dominance in online advertising,

The EU has brought three cases against Google, including how it ranked shopping-comparison sites in search results, requirements for how customers use its display ads network, and its practice of requiring phone makers that used its Android software to pre-load those phones with other Google apps.

Google, Facebook and Amazon will also probably be under scrutiny for the manner in which they use data acquired from customers as also competitors. There have been several probes against Facebook's data collection and privacy practices. As regards, Amazon, already,

The EU is investigating whether Amazon uses data about the third-party merchants who sell on its retail site to give the company an advantage when it sells its own products. 

My previous comments and presentations can be seen here and here and under the labels big data, data protection and competition.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Big Data-Competition & Consumer Protection Issues, Falling between Regulatory Stools?

I recently gave a talk cum Presentation  during the  Forum on Challenges in the digital environment 2018, organised by the Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones on November 7-8 at 2018, Mexico City. It can be viewed here.

This presentation draws attention to the competition and consumer protection issues (such as privacy and discriminatory pricing) arising from the exploitation of big data and the fact that many of the concerns appear to fall between regulatory stools in the sense of not being easy to fit into any particular regulatory mandate, be it the competition authority or the consumer/sector regulator or the data protection regulator.

Economic and Regulatory issues in the Era of Free Services

This post is based on a presentation I made at the International Telecommunications Union. The presentation can be viewed here.


Our lives today are greatly facilitated by modern telecommunications, the internet and various Over the Top (OTT) applications and services. By lowering costs, bringing us greater choice and innovative methods of service delivery, OTTs in particular have become an indispensable part of modern life. In the near future, newer technologies such as Machine to Machine (M2M) /Internet of Things (IoT) communications and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will confer further benefits such that we will be living in progressively smart societies. 

As can be expected, markets by themselves will not always deliver perfect outcomes and the transition to, and the management of smart societies will entail new regulatory challengers. Thus, even in the digital economy, with its multiplicity of players and where many services are delivered free at times rendering price irrelevant, both as an indicator of market power and as a regulatory tool, the role of regulation will continue to be vital.  

From a regulatory viewpoint, it will be important to protect innovation and competition and to empower customers through good regulation and greater transparency, so as to build trust in new applications and services. These are prerequisites for continued growth of new technologies, without which, the trend towards smart societies will not be sustainable in the long run.

In an increasingly converged environment where all types of services (not just communications) are facilitated by ICTs, it would be impossible to regulate without collaboration between the ICTs regulator on the one hand, and the competition regulator, data protection authorities and a host of sector regulators on the other.

Smart societies will call for a review of the regulatory approach in the areas of competition, security, quality of service (QoS) and interoperability and also demand much greater attention to inclusiveness, privacy and data protection, transparency and trust. 

In the era of OTTs, IoT and AI, some of the important areas engaging the attention of ICTs regulators across the world are the promotion of investment in new technologies and networks, appropriate methods of licensing and spectrum allocation, new competition issues, universal service, net neutrality, privacy and data protection and QoS. Many of these regulatory problems are interconnected.

Net Neutrality 

The issue of Net Neutrality for example, requires the regulator to express its stance on non-discriminatory treatment of internet traffic. While there may be no unique answer relevant to every regulatory context, the decision on Net Neutrality regulation will always involve examining questions of investment, competition, interoperability, transparency, trust, inclusivity etc. On due consideration of various aspects, India has taken a pro net neutrality position and forbidden zero rating of services.

Regulation of OTTs

When it comes to OTTs, the regulator while acknowledging the popularity and benefits of these applications and services must be wary of both the pressure from incumbent telecom service providers (TSPs) to regulate OTTs, and of ignoring the unique regulatory problems surrounding OTTs. The former arises in part from the asymmetric regulatory burden wherein TSPs are subject to requirements of licensing, taxation, law enforcement and security, emergency services, universal service, QoS etc., and OTTs players are not. The latter is less evident but significant. There are noteworthy competition and consumer protection issues surrounding OTTs, especially given the tendency towards creation of global giants such as Uber, Google, Amazon and Facebook. The theoretical explanation for the evolution of large, global platform operators is the reduction in transaction costs, uninterrupted economies of scale in comparison to brick and mortar firms, and strong network effects. 

Given the above, even though there are ostensibly a large number of players in digital markets and services appear to be free or relatively low priced, traditional competition problems of misuse of market power, barriers to entry, competition reducing mergers and acquisitions and unfair trade practices continue to exist, albeit in new forms in contemporary markets. This is evidenced by recent regulatory actions against global platforms in the areas of competition and data protection. 

While there may well be a call to correct the imbalance of regulatory burdens on existing operators vis-à-vis OTTs, any attempt to license/regulate OTTs must first and foremost address issues of fair competition and consumer protection, rather than focus per se on the protection of incumbents.  There may be in fact a case to move towards light(er) touch licensing regimes for both types of operators wherein the focus is on innovation, investment, security and consumer protection. Any decision on licensing will have to take into account taxation issues too. The positive multiplier effects of telecom penetration and digital services which tend to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and hence, the tax base may justify less focus on direct levies and greater reliance on general budget for funding universal service interventions.

Regulation of M2M/IoTs

When it comes to licensing M2M / IoT operators it must be noted than many of these are not necessarily communication service providers. Apart from the danger of over regulating too early in the life cycle of this new technology area and thereby hampering innovation, there is also the question of regulatory burden and cost entailed when the number of players is so large. Added to this is the complexity of regulating entities which serve so many different sectors such as energy, transportation, health and agriculture etc. This is a challenge which calls for cross sectoral regulatory collaboration and newer, flexible regulatory approaches. India has recently decided on a policy approach which combines light touch licensing and cross sectoral regulatory oversight.

Privacy & Data Protection

An unquestionable facet of our lives in smart societies would be the threat to privacy and security of personal data emanating from the large scale disclosure and collection of data on a daily basis thanks to our digitally connected personal devices, homes and cities etc. As technology becomes increasingly pervasive and intrusive, timely legal and regulatory interventions to protect privacy and personal data become critical. This is not just a political, strategic or ethical issue, it is also important from the business perspective of consumer demand. In the absence of adequate protection of their rights to privacy and control over their personal data; in the absence of consumer trust; consumers will cease to subscribe to even the most innovative or useful applications. This would not only adversely affect the profitability of the digital communications industry, it would also impede further innovation and the scaling up and sustained growth of new technologies and applications. Such a scenario would deprive the world of their benefits. This requires industry and governments to come together to ensure adequate regulatory safeguards, privacy by design and to promote consumer awareness.

In fact, it is widely acknowledged that data is the hidden cost of free services and the new source of market power of Apps and digital platforms.  Going forward, the regulation of data shall occupy the attention of not just data protection authorities, but also ICT’s’ regulators, competition regulators, law enforcement authorities etc. From a competition viewpoint, data portability and anonymized data sets could be remedy the monopolization of data.


Data as a source of market power is also closely linked to contemporary issues of competition regulation as in multi-sided markets, it is consumer time/attention/data that attracts advertisers who are the major source of revenue for digital service providers. This is turn makes cross-platform operators who can accurately profile customers based on their consumption of email, messaging, banking services, transportation, social media and shopping services etc. very powerful and with market power comes the possibility of its abuse. While ICTs and competition regulators have recently started examining platform to business practices, there is in fact a need to review competition regulation of digital services on many fronts. The definition of markets and sources of market power are all changing and much more information about newer markets will need to be collected for a better understanding. This calls for partnership and cooperation among all stakeholders.


It is important for regulators to collaborate, learn, adapt and be flexible. It is also important for industry to bridge information asymmetries, to build consumer trust and to work together with regulators to ensure the continued growth of digital services in a manner that benefits all stakeholders.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Privacy & Data Protection-Not just a National Issue

This post seeks to draw attention to the important issue of privacy and data protection regulations, the need for sharing of best practices among regulators and international harmonization of rules.

New technologies like OTTs, IoT, Artificial intelligence etc. are already and will continue to improve our lives. However, they also entail the collection of vast amounts of data about us. There is a need to balance the benefits of big data and the threat to the right to privacy which is an integral human right.
This is not just an important issue for individuals and governments; it is also critical for businesses as they rely on continued consumer demand. In the absence of adequate protection of their rights to privacy and control over their personal data; in the absence of consumer trust; consumers will cease to subscribe to even the most innovative or useful applications. 

This would not only adversely affect the digital communications industry. It would also be tragic from the viewpoint of continued innovation and the  scaling up and sustained growth of new technologies and applications. Such a scenario would deprive the world of their benefits.

India is in the process of framing its laws on the subject of privacy and data protection. It is felt that especially developing countries could benefit from mutual learning and experience sharing. 

Further, it is important for industry, regulators and academia to come together to achieve the stated objectives of data protection, privacy, competition and security so as to ensure inter alia the continued growth of digital services in a manner that benefits all stakeholders. 

Developing an appropriate regulatory framework which will act as the foundation for good business practices and adequate consumer safeguards in the field of ICTs requires collaboration and international cooperation. The international harmonisation of these rules is necessary to protect competition and innovation and to allow data to be used fairly for innovation and growth in a  competitive manner-preventing monopolisation by a few entities. This requires consensus building on data portability and localisation rules. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

ICTs & SDGs: Sound Policy & Regulation required for beneficial effects of ICTs

I was deeply impressed with the ITU Publication 'ICT-centric economic growth, innovation and job creation.'

This book has many takeaways. My favourite ones are as follows:

The  publication captures the essence of the undeniable linkages between ICTs and the SDGs. It is both comprehensive and contemporary covering various aspects such as the digital divide, innovation and latest technologies and their connection with sustainable development

In particular, I  support and underline the contention in Chapter 2 that highlights that more emphasis needs to be placed on addressing inequalities in access and usage of ICTs between people and regions which if left unaddressed will exacerbate all other inequalities in development, growth and quality of life over time adversely affecting the progress in realizing the SDGs. The stress on ICT related Targets in SDGs (table 1.) is very important. The measures contained in sub goal 9c must include all disadvantaged persons including Persons with Disabilities (PwDs).

In this context, while governments have a very important role to play, the way forward is a multi-stakeholder model wherein private sector, academia and civil society are actively engaged and involved by governments. I wholeheartedly endorse the importance of good regulation that encourages and facilitates private sector innovation and government support (through inter alia innovative use of Universal Service Funds) to empower the poor, women and PwDs etc. such that they are provided the benefits of ICTs. 

The multi-stakeholder partnership model described in Appendix A to Chapter 2 is very relevant and tried and tested in India in its Sanchar Shakti project  for access to Mobile Value-Added Services for rural women. 

Chapter 4 with its emphasis on a conducive institutional and regulatory framework is highly relevant especially for policy makers and regulators in developing countries. Competition, liberalisation and innovation go hand in hand with sustainable growth. In particular, the trade-off between short term gains and long-term harm caused by policy decisions impacts all sectors including ICTs and has a very important bearing on achieving sustainable development. 

I also appreciate the stress on the capacity of ICTs to empower citizens by providing information and a feedback mechanism to express their views and preferences. The sections on competition, consumer regulation and State owned Enterprises (SoEs) are very well written and pertinent. Competition, credible governance, universal service regulation, privacy and data protection can have a critical impact on, long term growth of ICTs and hence overall socio-economic development given the intricate linkages between ICTs and the SDGs. This is an important precondition for overall balanced growth in international context.

Chapter 5 speaks about new data driven business models based on sharing and personalisation in the context of increasing growth of IoT, multi-sided platforms and the App economy, highlight the need for focus on  important issues such as privacy and data protection and cyber security which are critical to consumer protection, trust and hence uptake of ICTs and their continued contribution to sustainable development.