I had written a post titled "Closing the Market Efficiency Gap-Regulation and Competition" wherein I has said that closing the Market Efficiency Gap demands putting in place sound laws and regulation modeled on international best practices but adapted to local context. This would ensures inter alia a level playing field which precludes vested interests from rent seeking behaviour that is detrimental to the economy as a whole.
In this post I has mentioned the likely mandating of a reduction in access charges for fixed line grid by the Italian firm Telecom Italia SpA by the Communications Regulator of Italy. This article also speaks about the general trend towards reduction in network access charges (both fixed line and mobile) across Europe as a result of conscious efforts of regulators to enhance penetration. It does mention that the Italian Regulator was under pressure from Telecom Italia's rivals.
It is now reported that the Italian Regulator's (Agcom) ruling has been put on hold by the European Commission on account of doubts as to whether the proper procedure of a separate market analysis of impact of cut was carried out. A quote from The European Commission er in charge of the digital agenda is enlightening and worth emulating by telecommunications' regulators:
"In departing from the approach announced last year for setting access prices in the Italian broadband markets, Agcom undermines the required regulatory certainty for all market players,” ...... “Regulation must aim at creating a level playing field for all operators.”